Ein bisschen frech, witzig, aber nie pointenversessen sind die Herren. Augsburger Allgemeine
The gentlemen are a bit cheeky, funny, but never overly intent on the punchline Augsburger Allgemeine
…grundsolide handwerkliche Perfektion und eine Dosis Verrücktheit waren an diesem Abend optimal gemischt. Allgäuer Zeitung
... a rock-solid technical perfection and a dose of crazyness were optimally mixed this evening. Allgäuer Zeitung
Intervall-Akrobatik, pikante Intonation, präsentiert in geschmeidiger Phrasierung. Ensemble
Interval acrobatics, piquant intonation, presented in smooth phrasing Ensemble
Unterhaltsames Spitzenblech Westfalenpost
Hoher musikalischer Anspruch – beste Unterhaltung. Münchner Merkur
Entertaining top brass Westfalenpost
High musical standard - best entertainment. Münchner Merkur
These are five young men who convey their own view of the brass blowing to the audience and do not really appear with soft soles. Rarely without a subtle wink.
The brass quintet consists of Konrad Müller and Hannes Oblasser (trumpet), Matthias Krön (horn), Andreas Oblasser (trombone) and Fabian Heichele (Tuba).
Through close collaboration with composers and arrangers such as Hans Kröll, Leonhard Paul and Ingo Luis, concert programs emerge which, in their well-defined form, represent unique overall works of art.
Information about our current programs such as no limits - the boundless playful, crazy-twisted-postponed and the Bavarian Christmas with Conny Glogger can be found here.
A highly reflected musical style, the uncompromising playfulness and the subtly humorous appearance of the five protagonists draws everyone into its spell and leaves hardly an eye dry.
In addition, the munich brass connection also has a separate children's concert program, which also includes music distribution. The concept for this comes from the music mediator Ingrid Hausl.
"The goal of every musician is sound, especially when he is joined in a group of musicians. Within the sound, music and its linguistic gesture become an experience. This makes the horns, trumpets and trombones in the orchestra so significant and important because they give it its sound and contours. And where these instruments are held separately, especially in such a homogeneous and sensitive way as with the Munich Brass Connection, then something from the magic power of the brass sound can be experienced."
Kent Nagano, Musical Director of the Hamburg State Opera